Setup/demo protocols
Setup protocol (see this page for more information on how to use this protocol)
Study example protocols
Before running any protocol you download or receive from a colleague: 1. Change the starting definitions to match the locations/IDs of your displays/lights/speakers (see the page on running the setup protocol to determine these) 2. Change file paths of all audio/image/video files to the correct location on your computer (see the page on tags referencing files for more info)
Headturn preference procedure - word segmentation (based on Jusczyk & Aslin, 1995) Download: Github | Google Drive No protocol walkthrough available, but study structure is identical to this one!
Training phase that requires accumulated looking time to each audio file
Block design
Randomized ordering of sides for lights/audio presentation
Randomized selection of audio stimuli within blocks
Headturn preference procedure - name recognition in noise (based on Newman 2009) Download: Github | Google Drive Protocol walkthrough here
Training phase that requires accumulated looking time to each audio file
Block design
Randomized ordering of sides for lights/audio presentation
Randomized selection of audio stimuli within blocks
Preferential looking - word recognition Download: Github | Google Drive Protocol walkthrough here
Several versions available of this protocol to demonstrate varying levels of randomization of trial order: 1) full randomization of a stimulus set, 2) presenting in a fixed order, 3) pseudo-randomization of trial order. See the protocol walkthrough for more on how these differ!
Preferential looking - fast-mapping Download: Github | Google Drive Protocol walkthrough here
Training phase of alternating word-object pairs
Test phase with random assignment of object arrangement and random ordering of target words
Habituation - familiarization to a category Download: Github | Google Drive Protocol walkthrough here
Pre-test, habituation, test, and post-test phases
Habituated to a set of images; individual images chosen randomly without repetition
Tested on novel image belonging to same category and novel image from a novel category
Habituation - word-object pairings (based on Werker et al., 1998) Download: Github | Google Drive Protocol walkthrough here
Pre-test, habituation, test, and post-test phases
Random assignment to a single word-object pair for habituation
Test phase consisting of all possible word-object pairs in random ordering
Habituation - visual oddity paradigm Download: Github | Google Drive
Pre-test, habituation, dishabituation, and post-test phases
Habituation is to a single visual stimulus
Dishabituation phase consists of repeated exposures to the familiarized video and a novel video, with the novel video occurring more rarely than the familiarized video
Conditioned Headturn - speech sound discrimination (based on Werker et al., 1981) Download: Github | Google Drive
Training phase in which each trial has the "change" stimulus
Test phase in which each trial plays the "change" or "control" stimulus
Use of JUMP to present a reward stimulus when participant correctly detects the change stimulus
Conditioned Headturn - signal detection in noise Download: Github | Google Drive Protocol walkthrough here
Continuous background noise
Training phase in which each trial has the relevant signal (audio of a name being called)
Conditioning phase in which participant must show anticipatory headturn three trials in a row to proceed to the test phase
Test phase in which each trial either does or does not present the relevant signal
Use of JUMP to present a reward stimulus when participant correctly detects the signal
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