Advanced settings

BITTSy's main window has a button for Advanced Settings, located below the boxes for the basic run information. As of version 1.32, there are two settings located here.

These settings are located here because they affect only a subset of users, but if your lab needs to toggle them, be sure to document that. Settings that you change here will persist when you close and reopen BITTSy, but whenever you download a new version, you will need to go into the advanced settings again.

Software rendering

There are two options for rendering video stimulus files - hardware rendering, and software rendering. One of these options may give you smoother playback of video files than the other.

By default, BITTSy forces your computer to use software rendering, which is smoother and faster for most users. If you have trouble with video files skipping frames, stalling, or appearing to freeze briefly at the beginning or end, you may want to uncheck this option to try hardware rendering, and see if there is an improvement.

The other likely culprits for poor video playback are using non-Windows-native video formats or not having necessary codecs installed on your computer. Check if your video plays smoothly in Windows Media Player, and consider converting your video to one of our suggested file formats.

Disabling Waves MaxxAudio

Waves MaxxAudio is a sound driver service that is known to have built-in audio enhancement effects that critically disrupt experiments in BITTSy. If this is present on your computer (as is indicated in the above screenshot), you should pause or disable the service, or follow steps to remove it from your computer. See this page for more information.

Last updated