Trial timing structure
Some infant testing procedures have a set time per trial (e.g., play this stimulus for 4 seconds, or play this sound file until it ends); for others, trial lengths depend on the child's looking behavior, requiring that the experimenter code behavior while the experiment is running. BITTSy allows individual stimuli to either play for a set amount of time, or to play until an event occurs (such as looking away for a certain amount of time), or for a combination of these (e.g., until a child looks away for X seconds, or until the file ends, whichever comes first). It also allows different trials to continue to occur for a set number of trials, or until a certain threshold is reached (e.g., in habituation-based studies, or in training studies). Thus, an experiment might be set up to continue presenting the stimulus within a given trial until the child looks away for 2 seconds, but then to continue playing trials until some cumulative amount of looking has occurred. All of these timing constraints can be set up as part of the protocol file.
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