
Tags are keywords defined within your protocol that allow you to refer to:

  1. particular files on your computer

  2. groups of stimulus files

  3. the result of a random selection from a group

Once defined, all three of these types of tags can be used similarly in protocol files. Tags provide a layer of abstraction that allows protocol files to group, select, and reference stimuli (audio, image, and video files on your computer) in dynamic and flexible ways.

Valid tag names...

  • must be unique (the same tag name cannot be defined as two separate files/groups)

  • must be single "words" that consist of letters, numbers, and underscores (no spaces, and no other symbols)

The first two types of tags - tags denoting particular stimulus files, and tags that are given to name groups of other tags - are defined near the start of your protocol, anywhere after the starting definitions and before your first STEP statement. See the following pages for more information on these tags.

Tags referencing filesGroupsDynamic tags

Last updated