The development of BITTSy was funded by NSF BCS1152109, "New Tools for New Questions: A Multi-Site Approach to Studying the Development of Selective Attention".
Grant researchers
Rochelle Newman, University of Maryland College Park
Elizabeth Johnson, University of Toronto at Mississauga
Ruth Tincoff, The College of Idaho
Kris Onishi, McGill University
Beta testing sites
Speech Language Acquisition & Multilingualism (S.L.A.M.) Lab, University of Delaware Primary investigator - Giovanna Morini Lab manager - Emily Fritzson
Tweety Language Development Lab, University of Arizona Primary investigator - LouAnn Gerken Postdoctoral researcher - Megan Figueroa
Language Development Lab & Canine Language Perception Lab, University of Maryland College Park Primary investigator - Rochelle Newman Lab manager - Emily Shroads
Development team
Kerem Atalay, programmer, 2017-2018
Nadiya Klymenko, programmer, 2018-2019
Jayan Kamdar, programmer, 2019-
Ed Smith, technical supervisor
Emily Shroads, project manager
Documentation and manual
Rochelle Newman
Giovanna Morini
Emily Shroads
Last updated